
Welcome to the clique band|geek and music|freak!

Navigation is up top. The stuff to your left is pure randomness hehe!


I'm temporarily closing the join form until I update the members ok? I've been so busy lately, I barely have enough time to run my blog, let alone this clique.
I'll be doing random code checks one day. If I don't find a code, don't expect to find your name on the member list.
I added a whole bunch of members tonight, around 27 or so. The member count is at a whopping 65 good job on promoting the clique. Sorry I haven't updated, you know how it is with school but I've tried to update when I can and I update the members list in November sometime.
Merry Christmas I hope you all had wonderful holidays, and Happy New Year. This will probably be the last update till the new year.
New Layout! It's featuring a little stereo, and I thought it would be perfect for here, so of course I'm using it. I'm fixing everything so if you see some strange things, just let me know.
Also I'm in the process of adding some more new members *falls over* there are so many and I'm only at applications from Aug 15. Yeah it might take a while to add everyone. I'll probably finish tomorrow. I'll let you know.
gosh I swear I updated this more, oh well, when I put up the new layout a few months ago I must have erased my new updates or something *sigh* anywya it's featuring Tegan and Sara and the pictures I got are from here and here.
I'm about to add a bunch of members and I may add some extras stuff, who knows!
wow, a new pretty layout featuring Ja Rule! wahoo!
i'm the only member, so join, I don't like being the lonely member!
I added a bunch of new buttons, more to come!
sry about nothing being here, i've kinda been side tracked lately, but i'm here, and the links should work now! JOIN JOIN JOIN!
