About Me Survey
This is a survey my friend sent me and i filled out, here it is!

1)Birth Date: nov. 13, 1988
2)Name on Birth Certificate: you don't nEEd to know that much!
3)Nicknames: Jazz, Jazzberri
4)Age: 14
5)University or College: I WANT to go to university, but watever
6)Location: Ontario, Canada
7)E-mail: gurlygurl_03@hotmail.com
8)Colour of eyes: Dark Brown
9)Hair: Black
10)Height: 5'3ish(inside joke there)
11)Shoe size: 8 or 9
12)Brothers/Sister: 2 little sissies that beat me up every day!

--------HAVE YOU EVER---------
13)Ever been so drunk you blacked out: not yey, lol
14)Put a body part on fire for amusement: no, but i almost lit my house on fire, 3 times i think...
15)Been in a car accident: yes, but you aren't supposed to kno that.
16)Been hurt emotionally: big time!
17)Kept a secret from everyone: duh!
18)Had an imaginary friend : yup, her name was bob jo or was it jo bob???(another inside joke, lol)
19)Cried during a Movie: yes, i cried through Elmo in Grouchland, and almost cried in Monsters Inc, but ended up making a comment, you ppls will know what i'm talking about...lol
20)Ever thought an animated character was hot? no, don't worry
21)Had a New Kids on the Block tape: who the heck r they? lol
22)Been on stage: yuppers

23)Shampoo: Fructis and Herbal Essences
24)Colour: Lime Green
25)Day/Night: night, it's so magical!
26)Summer/Winter: Um it depends, summer is nice and warm, winter is magical and has christmas, lol
27)Lace or satin: Well i HATE lace, so i guess satin!
28)Favourite Cartoon Characters: let's see, Bart Simpson, Cheer Bear....
29) Food: Ice Cream
30)Fave Movies: Sister Act!
31)Fave Ice Cream: Strawberry with REAL strawberries in it.
32)Fave Subject: my fav subject??? does lunch count?!?!?!?
33)Fave Drink?(non alcoholic): Dr. Pepper all the way/French Vanilla Cappicinos from Timmys...yummmmmm

-----Right now------
35)Wearing: Pink Shirt and my green/khaki pants
36)Eating: I just ate a Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookie with peanut butter chips...YUM!
37)what are you drinking: i'm deprived of liquid, lol
38)Thinking about: why candace doesn't believe i'm sick!(y r there no mad emoticons?)
39)Talking to: candace
40) Writing: this...duh!

-------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------
41)Cried: nop, i don't think
42)Worn: my night shirt and what i'm wearing now
41)met somone new: don't think so
44)Cleaned your room: ya right!
45)Done laundry: no!
46)Drove a car: ask me again in 2 and a half years

47)Yourself: sometmes
48)Friends: depends on which ones....
49)Santa Claus: i believe in tricking my sisters into believing in Santa
50)Tooth Fairy: of course! who doesn't!
51)Destiny/Fate: I'll believe it when i see it!
52)angels: Of course, with out em, how do ya think i'd still be here?!?!?
53)Ghosts: well, now you mention it....

-------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------
54)Who's the loudest: the loudest or giddiest? that would probably have to be Brad
55)Who's the weirdest: This one is a toss up between Shaela, and Brad....
56)Who do you go to for advice: Chanelle...
57)Who do you cry with? i prefer to cry by myself, thank you very much!

58)Ever been in love: not really...
59)Cheated on anyone: no...
60)Ever regretted going out with someone: i do now...
61)Ever done a "drunken stupid mistake": not yet
62)lesbian/gay experience: oky, how many times do i need to tell you, I'M A STRAIGHT GIRL(i think, lol)

-----TELL THE TRUTH!!-----------
63) Strip for money: no
64) Streaked: no
65) Worked in a McDonalds: eww, i never have, and never will
66) Gossiped about someone: yes...
67)Worst Feeling: Feeling like you're stupid and worthless, and that there's no point of existing
68)Who will respond to this email fastest: well...
69)Who did you send this to who wont respond: probably LOTSA people
70)Who sent this 2 u: heather!
71)Do you want all your friends to do this and fwd it to you? Of course!