Here is where i get to rant about somethings that REALLY bug me!

Rant(s) of The Week
Ok, i'm sorry, but HAVE to look at this poor, pathetic EXCUSE for making a website and online petition....http://www.twotowersprotest.org/. They want the "Two Towers"(Lord of the Rings Book) to have it's named changed because they think that the producers are haters of america, and don't care about 9/11. COME ON! The freggin' books were writting almost 50 years ago, before the towers were even BUILT! The plans for the movie to come out were long b4 9/11. If you want to start a petition, maybe start one about banning all fake people from the music industry! Those stupid losers need to get a new $%^&ing life!

Rants from the past

Ok, this mite b long, but anyway this is about Christina Aguilera's music video "Dirrty". I'm sorry, but that music video is nasty. I mean, I know that some people think that she's go the looks to pull that off, but I mean, she didn't need to reveal THAT much! I mean, before they show that music video, Much Music has a WARNING before it saying it's got sexual content on it. The video makes Britney look like a good girl. That's scary! I mean, it's ok to show skin, but there's a point where you've gotta draw a line!

grr, i hate it when ppl lie to your face and they know you know they're lying, OMG it makes me so pissed, i mean come on! i'm not a stupid person. actually if you want more background info on this...you mite consider going to my diary in the near future.

ok, i'm probably now gonna become one of your rants on how my site sucks, but anyhow...i just wanted to say y is MSNBC CANADA, AMERICA'S newschannel???? other than the fact that we are in north america? if you have any idea, PLZ e-mail me!

At my high skool there is this one hallway where my music room is in that has NO freshman(i'm a freshman...) It REALLY annoys me, but it's not like i'm afraid of it...

Ok, there are these traffic lights near the shopping square by my house. And it's a pretty busy space in one direction and quieter in the other. So when you cross with the quieter direction, you have to cross the busy direction which is HUGE! But as soon as you step off the sidewalk, the hand starts blinking, what's up with that?!?!?

I was just minding my own business one day walking home and these two guys in front of me kept trying to cut me off...i was like, what jerks!

I was putting garbage out one night, and this skunk was rite there and i was freaked out, luckily it ran away and didn't do anything!

Have you had vanilla coke?!?!? What's your opinion? I hate it! It's really gross. It just doesn't taste right. Note to manufacturer, vanilla extract and pop is NOT a good combo!

I REALLY hate it when little kids start a) LATER than us! and b) At the end of the week...
This really bugs me, bcuz litle kids get ALL the easy stuff(i don't mean skool work...)while we hafta wake up at ungodly hours to get our butts to skool, and my sister can go to skool at 12:30 pm...grrrr...

Also, i have a HUGE problem with fake ppl, and things, like Barbie for example. Where in the world r u gonna find this "perfect" girl, with a perfect "boyfriend" or is it her brother?!?!? Also there r many fake stars out there that little kids count on, and i mean...hello???? And then there r the ppl in my everyday life that r just plain annoying, like i used to kno them, and WHAM! they're a totally different person!